Rainbow Center Room Reservation or Class Tour Request

Rainbow Center Room Reservation/Class Tour Request forms should be completed and submitted at least two weeks prior to the applicant’s event in order to allow time for processing.

A completed and submitted Rainbow Center Room Reservation/Class Tour Request form is not a guarantee that the applicant will be able to use the space that has been requested.  An email message will be sent to the applicant’s email address with either an approval of the request or a denial of the request.

An electronic signature confirms that:

1. The applicant understands a request will not guarantee permission to use the space;

2. The applicant, the applicant’s organization/department, and the individuals attending the event agree to abide by the Community Standards of the Rainbow Center.  Individuals who violate these Community Standards will be asked to leave and/or may forfeit future opportunities to use Rainbow Center space;

3. The applicant will provide the name, if different than the applicant’s name, of the individual responsible for the event and who will be present at the event so that Rainbow Center staff will be able to easily identify the responsible individual from the applicant’s organization/department at the time of the event;

4. The applicant/responsible representative and/or the applicant’s organization/department is/are responsible for the set-up PRIOR to the event and clean-up of the space following the event;

5. The applicant/responsible representative and/or the applicant’s organization/department is/are liable for any damage to the property of the Rainbow Center;

6. If the applicant’s event requires additional staffing of the Rainbow Center personnel, for example, during hours that the Rainbow Center is typically closed, the applicant or applicant’s organization/department may be responsible for the costs associated with that staffing;

7. Any advertisements associated with the event must be on file at the Rainbow Center prior to the event;

8. Permission for facility use may, under limited circumstances, be rescinded in the event of extenuating circumstances;

9. The Rainbow Center reserves the right to change policies and community standards, and to charge fees for facility usage without notification.  Non-UConn individuals and groups may be subject to a fee for facility usage.

If you have any questions regarding the Room Reservation/Class Tour Request process, please contact the Rainbow Center at rainbowcenter@uconn.edu.


Rainbow Center Room Reservation and Class Tour Request Form

    Please add specific dates in the description if it is a repeating meeting/event.
  • For example: they/them/theirs, she/her/hers, he/him/his, etc.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    Note: The Rainbow Center is closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays during which UConn is closed
  • :
    Fall 2024 Hours: 9am-9pm
  • :
    Fall 2024 Hours: 9am-9pm
    Please check all that apply
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 65.
  • The Rainbow Center’s mission is to operate in the service of a more equitable world for all students, faculty, and staff at the University of Connecticut. Using an intersectional lens, we center our work on advocating for, and increasing education, access, retention, identity development, and community-building for queer- and trans-spectrum communities.
  • For example, a First Year Experience instructor may want to hold one of the weekly classes in the Rainbow Center, and may want a 10-minute tour of the Rainbow Center during that time.
  • Please type your initials here, which will confirm that you, the applicant, will adhere to the aforementioned rules, standards, and policies of the Rainbow Center
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.